Monica MasonWest London Counselling & Psychodynamic Psychotherapy

FAQ. ripples-fw

Frequently Asked Questions

Is my problem serious enough?

There might be people worse off and you wonder whether you need therapy or not. People come to therapy for all sorts of reasons. There is not one reason that is more valid than another. Sometimes lots of difficulties over a long time can add up and become overwhelming and less manageable. Some issues such as social anxiety might not always interfere with your daily tasks but it can hinder you in living your life to the fullest.

How is talking to a therapist different from talking to family and friends?

Talking to family and friends is good, a therapist is not instead of having friends. However, sometimes if there are complex issues, perhaps you do not want to burden friends as they might not know what to do. Friends can be supportive but might sometimes offer unwanted advice or finding it hard staying objective. A therapist will remain impartial and you can trust that what you say remains confidential. A therapist is trained to support and guide with confidence.

How do I get started?

If you would like to book an appointment to see how counselling or therapy can help you, please email me or call me on: 0777 989 33 99. If I am working and unable to answer, leave a message and I will call you back as soon as possible. There is no obligation at this point. If after the first meeting we decide to start therapy, we will meet again the following week and go over practicalities such as: day/time, fees, holidays etc.

How long is a session?

Each session is 50 minutes except for the first which lasts an hour. Typically we will meet weekly and go on for as long as needed which is called 'open-ended'. This type of in-depth psychotherapy can go on for some time but varies from person to person.

If we can find one specific issue that needs working on, there is also the possibility of doing 'time limited' counselling. This will not allow us to concentrate on other areas of your life as we are limited in time.

How much does it cost?

My fee is £90 per session. Payment by bank transfer, cash or cheque after each session. I also provide supervision for counsellors. My fee for supervision is £80.

What if I miss a session?

Notify me as soon as you know that you are unable to come. If we can't change the session for another day, there will still be a charge, as each client has their specific time slot. I will let you know when I am on holiday in good time. I take leave in the summer, Christmas and Easter.

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